Life Christian Academy


The mission of LCA is to educate students for Christian service and leadership. The athletics program of the school assists in this mission by developing outstanding student-athletes who embrace these values. This is accomplished by employing dedicated Christian coaches and professional staff who embrace the values of LCA by providing sports events around which alumni, friends and students can rally.

Athletics at LCA represent one aspect of our pursuit of excellence in education.  We seek excellence in teaching our athletes in the fundamentals of their games, while providing an understanding and practical application of their sport to their growth as individual Christians and as members of the Christian community.  Athletics are, in many ways, a microcosm of life.  Participants are confronted with all types of life situations, providing opportunities for growth and learning.  Because striving for excellence honors Christ and inspires people, we want our student athletes to pursue growth and improvement on a daily basis.  It is our desire to foster in them qualities of commitment, obedience, humility, compassion, respect, encouragement, honesty, accountability, and discipline.  Our athletes are expected to compete with integrity, dignity, and good sportsmanship.  An essential ingredient to such competition is respect for their coaches, their opponents, and the officials.

The athletic program attempts to provide well-planned and well-balanced interscholastic activities for as many participants as possible, consistent with available facilities, personnel, and financial support.  While coaches may attempt to play as many players as possible, not all athletes may be expected to play in any one game.  Throughout the course of a season, coaches will make every effort to schedule games/scrimmages that will present opportunities for all team members.

The program is intentionally planned for a minimal amount of interference with academics, but all participants are required to plan in advance for time away from classes and to maintain homework assignment deadlines.  Athletics also function so as to involve not only the participants, but also the student body and school community, providing an opportunity for parents and friends of the school to join us for these athletic events.